Not the Vatican nor the Rome In my country There was one more home That wore the color of my own. The city welcomed me, outlander And treated me, foreigner That painted self into a corner. The streets demanded to be known Forced to kiss the pain Of keeping alone Seeked for a homie Hear the groan. Across came a soul Anonymous and unkown Felt one of my own The voice carried the tone That comfort me in the same zone The mortal cared, reaped the seed Of the trust that being sown. In the times of clock Wee hours assist my moan Helped me sob and groan Anguish my heart roared Cry everyone ignored Faith restored Trust bestowed. Despite the malady explode The love got poured The path led to the road To the four walls where heart abode And boundaries where none implode. A soul by now Only i would know Treated me as her own Space everyone chased to fall Little did they know it was her call To make the space for small Nurt...