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Showing posts from April, 2016

"That Bird"

Gazing at the sky one random night I saw a bird flying in the cloud of my mind I was surprised  by the daring act of that two winged creature Flying between the clouds various times Irrespective of day or night time. Looked as if it had lost something  For the reason it went exploring various unknown destinations. In search of its very own nation, That was somewhere misplaced. Tired after searching, the bird sat on the building's top Trying to locate in a huge crowd. Scared was bird what if it couldn't be found For that was the only one thing gifted to him on an alienated ground. Days passed by and nothing was found Didn't even have the guts to pay visit to lost' hometown. Days, months, years passed by, The bird was now old and waiting to get bowled. Silently it walked away from the world The world that was never his own, Irrespective of the infinite trips. That bird left a big question behind What was that one thing that it ...

Last sun??

ढलते हुए सूरज को देख के ऐ ग़ालिब मैंने उसे कहा के कुछ पहर के ठहर तो जा क्या पता आज शाम की चाय उनके साथ आखरी हो!!          - Pushkin Channan


एक अर्से बाद ही सही, मुद्दत से बैठे थे हम दोनों उस हसीं शाम की गुफ्तगु में ऐसे डूबे के वक़्त का पता ही न चल पाया।        -Pushkin Channan


Sitting alone under the shade Thinking about the past days To refresh the memories that were sweet  Seeing the tiny plants growing into trees I realized we were also once kids & now turning big Lost in the world of my own thoughts What comes to my head are the challenges we all come came across While chasing the dreams As some of you were class' cream Well the time passed by & I realized it was bit late at night and not that easy to keep self awake Hence, planned to walk more through the city's deserted roads with clear sky The way you see a spy who in an isolated place looks for the lost/hidden file. Moving on. I reached river's side Where I saw huge tides. Along came the bark of the street dog(s) Which feared me of being caught. Seeing the river I got into boat Which then began to float. Seeing the widespread lake I kept away all the vague. Allowing the positive vibes to flow in And the negative thoughts to take a dip ...

Single Planet..

"And there will be someone that comes along one day and offers you an entire galaxy when you only expected a single planet, but then that planet would not be the part of that galaxy".

Via Tumblr...

You are the girl  who says goodbye But never really  lets go.  I am the boy  who wanders into hearts  without knocking  or wiping your feet. We are the aimless The hopeless The broken The Last. (EC)

Promise we will never fade

“Best Friends The title we chose But what does it mean to be ‘Best Friends’? You should see each other every day?? Well that's not true for you and me Should silly little fights get in our way?? Only if that's how it's meant to be Should we give? Should we borrow? Should we dance like there is no tomorrow? Secrets are traded Privacy invaded Hugs and smiles are shared, t ears are shed Love is spread We know that we both really cared I smile, you smile You cry, I cry I wish, you wish You die, I die If you fall I'll help you up And if you call I'll always pick up                                                            BEST FRIENDS FOREVER The promise we ...

Best is yet to Arrive

“That pleasant winter breeze which used to blow through the top of the trees. The flow that used to change its name with the change of season Was the reason for me to hate the people's changing nature Though the mood of the world has always been unpredictable Hence there's no question of being so quizzical Because it showed an individual’s nature of being finagle All through my life I've tried to be stable And that's the reason I have been a person who has never been fabled Thought of being unsuccessful never allowed me to settle Then trying for subtle ways to complete the mission The mission of a boy who gave up his joy to prove the critics wrong just as a brave Troy The years passed by and the task was still not completed Some old person then approached and informed him not to feel cheated Just continue the good work on and the name fame you earn will be world wide known….”              -Pushkin Channa...

My Dear Friend

Yes my friend you are the best not for the reason that you are different The reason being that you are above all the crest And that makes me feel so blessed Quite often you fall so sick The way from a dismantled building fall all the bricks Well just take care buddy Because I love it when you look little chubby Just stay well and never fall sick May be because you may never find a friend like me for you to pick.          -Pushkin Channan

Sochta hun..

..जो लहरों से आगे नज़र देख पाती, तो तुम जान लेते के मैं क्या सोच रहा हूँ... वो आवाज़ जो तुमको भी भेद जाती, तो तुम जान लेते के मैं क्या सोचता हूँ... ज़िद का तुम्हारे जो पर्दा सरकता, खिड़कियों से आगे भी तुम देख पाते... आँखों से आदतों की जो पलके हटाते, तो तुम जन लेते के मैं क्या सोचता हूँ..                - उड़ान


It was 0100 hours at night and I woke up by the outside's drizzling light The dream was shattered and the anger was all bias The thought of losing her made me more anxious Looking out of the window by the side I was trying to look for the lost tide The tide that took away the memories from me That were responsible for the best in me I tried my level best to locate her But didn't get even a bit of her Looked like for couple of minutes she was mine But now she has gone And I gave a large whine The anguish within me was like a burning volcano The exact cause even my brain didn't know The silence prevailed all around me That connected with my intuition To get lost like a crazy fellow No alcohol to ruin my mood I had the drug which I wanted A drug of intensified pain Mixed together with my feelings To get back those moments For another renovation Of My Own Self    Her absence - My Heart's Never ending reality     ...

Beautiful couplets by Pushkin Channan

समुद्र के किनारे बैठा मैं यूँ ही गुनगुना रहा था, तभी किसी ने चीख कर कहा के हमें नींद नहीं आई!!! उनकी गैर मौजूदगी हमें ऐसे चुभने लगी मानो जैसे गुलाब का फ़ूल बिना काँटों के बगीचे में खिल रहा हो। यूँ ही बैठे बैठे एक दिन मैंने हवा में तीर चला दिया मालूम नहीं था के उसका निशाना मेरे अपनों की तरफ था। बाल उलझे तो ज़ंजीर बन गई बिजली चमकी तोह शमशीर बन गई हमने तो यूँ ही फेरी थी रेत पर उंगलियां ना जाने कहाँ से आपकी तस्वीर बन गई??

I wish the drive was real!!!

रात के 12 बज रहे थे और मैं कहीं किसी ख़ास दोस्त के साथ लॉन्ग ड्राइव पर निकला हुआ था। कुछ यूँ ही मेरा प्लान बना था कहीं घूमने का और गनिमत से मैंने जब उससे पूछा के क्या आप चलेंगे तो वो बोले क्यों नहीं!! बस फिर क्या था, गाड़ी उनकी और साथ हमारा। ये रहा उनको गवारा। ऐसा लग रहा था मानो के जैसे जन्नत सी हासिल हो गई हो। जैसे कि इस पल का इंतज़ार मैं सदियों से कर रहा था। वो उनकी आवाज़, उनका बोलने का अंदाज़, कानो में पड़ रही वो मधुर ध्वनि सब बहुत अच्छा लग रहा था। जो बातें बहुत दिनों से नही हो रही थी मानो के जैसे एक बार में कर देना चाहते थे। पहाड़ी इलाके से रेगिस्तान की ओर जाना!! बस फिर रेगिस्तान पहुँच कर जैसे गाडी जाम सी हो गई। और हमें प्यास भी लगी थी!! बैग में से मैंने बोतल निकाली और पानी पीने के लिए जब मैं गाडी से बहार आया तो कुछ लगा के बहुत दूर कहीं से कोई आवाज़ आ रही है। मुझे लगा के मेरे कान बज रहे हैं। जब हाथ मुँह धोया तो एहसास हुआ के ये सब तो मात्र एक कल्पना थी और मैं एक सुनहरा सपना देख रहा था। भला ऐसे भी सपने कभी कोई देखता है क्या जो पूरे ही न हो सके!! मैंने फॉर पानी पिया और दोबारा सो गया। Seriou...

Beautiful couplets

कैसे करें हम खुद को तेरे प्यार के काबिल, जब हम आदतें बदलतें हैं, तुम शर्तें बदल देते हो। शुकर करो जो दर्द सहते हैं, लिखते नहीं वरना वो भी हमारी तरह कागज़ के पन्नों पर शब्दों का जनाज़ा निकाल देते। औकात नहीं थी ज़माने की, जो मेरी कीमत लगा सके, कम्भकत  इश्क़ में क्या गिरे, मुफ़्त में नीलाम हो गए।

Anil & Ankita...

रोज़ की भागादौड़ी चल रही थी। दफ्तर में हर रोज़ की तरह आज फिर एक रेस लगी थी। ये वो रेस थी जिसकी  3 इडियट्स में  बात हुआ करती थी। पता चल रहा था के फिल्में कभी कभी ज़िन्दगी की हक़ीक़त भी बयाँ कर जाती हैं। खैर मुद्दे की बात पर आता हूँ। तो बस सुबह सुबह यूँ ही हर रोज़ की तरह काम किया जा रहा था, तभी एक दोस्त का फोन आता है और नंबर देख कर मैं हैरान रहे जाता हूँ। ये वो आवाज़ थी जिसे सुनने के लिए तरस सा गया था मैं। क्योंकि दूरभाष पर तो सिर्फ आवाज़ आती थी लेकिन वो छेड़ने का मज़ा नहीं आता था। तो बस ऐसी ही एक शाम का इंतज़ार था, 19अप्रैल, 2016 की शाम, हाहा। मेरा एक भाई भी मेरे इंतज़ार में बैठा था। मन में कुछ अजीब सा एहसास हो रहा थी। बहुत ही अच्छा लग रहा था, दोनों से एक अरसे बाद जो मिलने जा रहा था। बस अब पहुँचने के बाद का मैं क्या लिखूं क्योंकि कुछ पलों की अहमियत कोरे पन्नों पर नहीं उतारी जा सकती।         खैर जब अलविदा कहने का समय आया तो मानो के आँखें भर सी आईं मेरी। जाने नहीं देना मैं उस पल को देना चाहता था। पर बड़े भी सही कह गए हैं के जाने वाले को  कोई रोक सका है भला??? ☺☺

धन्य हो प्रभु तुम।

कुछ एक शाम बस यूँ ही मैं अपने बगीचे में बैठ हुआ था। गर्मियों की वो हसीन शाम थी। पँखा लगा हुआ था और घर वालों के साथ बैठ कर कुछ गुफ़्तगु की जा रही थी। आस पड़ोस में बच्चों के खेलने की वो आवाज़ कानो को ऐसे भा रही थी मानो कोई पश्चिमी संगीत बजा रहा हो। वो पल कुछ इतना सुन्हेरा लग रहा था जैसे मानो सदियो में एक बार आया हो। जब परिवार के सभी सदस्य साथ बैठे हों और बातें कर रहे हों। मन कर रहा था जैसे घडी की सभी सूई रोक दूँ और जी लूँ वो पल। अहसास परिवार का, माँ-बाप के त्याग का तब हुआ जब अपनी रोज़ी कमाने हम खुद घर से बहार निकले थे। मालूम होता है के २ पैसे कमाने में भी कितनी मशक्क़त करनी पड़ती है!! हे प्रभु धन्य हो तुम जो तुमने ऐसे घर नें मुझे जनम दिया है...         -Pushkin Channan


Once upon a time, back to the history of that time When there was no tension in life during that particular span of time The time when the cold breeze used to make us happy And even the sand dunes couldn't challenge our destiny The destiny of our play fields, with the friends helping you chase the dreams Fond of Cricket, the dream was to take down 4-5 wicket(s) Those were the days, in fact the best days of life The time passed by making us now the grown up child (children) Never thought of going out of the home and earn livelihood Understood father's sacrifices for us The mother's love that cannot be matched Was being missed whenever away from my nest The brother's notorious nature and his running towards me like a good chaser Our fighting with each other as mama's boy and later on narrating the story with full joy That was the best time to spend your quality time with your family all the time The sister's mother like love and the care of her No...

Pushkin Channan

चाय पर चर्चा बिना उनके मैं क्या करता, जन्नत होती थी जब हम गिला भी किया करते थे तो!! मनाने की अदा उनकी हमें कुछ ऐसे लुभाया करती थी, जैसे मानो माँ का आँचल पकड़ के कोई बच्चा रो रहा हो और माँ उसे चुप कराने में लगी हुई हो!! लेकिन फिर भी माँ का प्यार तो माँ का ही होता है। लगा के जैसे खुदा ने उसे माँ का प्यार देने पराई धरती पर भेजा है, जैसे अपनी जगह उसने माँ को जो बनाया है!!         - Pushkin Channan

Mirza Ghalib & Pushkin Channan

हमको मालूम है जन्नत की हकीकत लेकिन दिल खुश रखने को ग़ालिब ये खयाल अच्छा है। देखिये पाते हैं उष्षाक बुतों से क्या फैज़?? इक ब्राह्मण ने कहा है के हे साल अच्छा है!!! हम तो यूँ ही उनसे गिला किया करते थे, अहमियत अपनी हमें तब पता चली जब उनके आने की खबर हमें किसी और से मिली।          -Pushkin Channan बख्श दे ऐ खुदा तू उस शख्सियत को, क्योंके आज हमारी इंतज़ार की सीमा भी पूरी हो गई।         -Pushkin Channan

Mehsoos bhi hona chahiye....

लगा के जैसे कल फिर उन्होंने हमें याद किया, अर्से बाद हमारा नाम उनके लब्ज़ों पर आ ही गया। यूँ तो कसम हर जहान की उन्होंने खाई थी, दोबारा न मिलने की सौगंध ली थी। ऐसा लगा के खुद से किया वायदा भूल सा गए वो, ज़माने ने याद कराया लेकिन मुकर सा गए वो। बोले, ज़ुबान दी थी कोई जान नहीं जो वापस नहीं ली जा सकती, वायदा करके तोड़ने की अदा भी तो दुनिया वालों से सीखी थी। उनकी इस अदा पर हम फ़िदा हो गए, मानो हम उनके लट्टू हो गए। हुस्न उनका देख कर हम तो बेहोश से हो गए सोचत हूँ के वो आइना कैसे दखते होंगे.....

दुआ में तुम हमें याद रखना...

आज एक बार फिर पुरानी तारीखें याद कर के दिल भर आया, याद आये वो पर उन्हें मैं बुला ना पाया। पता लगा के दोस्ती कितनी गहरी थी हमारी, रोज़ाना बात करने की आदत हो गई थी हमारी। सिलसिला ये कुछ ऐसा चला के बस दोस्ताना हमारा और भी गहरा हो गया, पर एक दिन जैसे अमावस आ गया। वो बातें बस यादें बन कर रह गई, पल वो सुनहरे यादों में छोड़ कर चली गई। जहाँ रोज़ाना गुफ़्तगु हुआ करती थी वहीँ आज साथी की कमी सी महसूस हुई। ऐ दोस्त यादों में मुझे अपनी तुम याद रखना और दिल में अपने बसा लेना, हो सके तो दो चार बात हर रोज़ कर लिया करना क्योंकि, नहीं देना चाहते हम आपको अपने लिए तरसना। ऐ दोस्त यादों में मुझे बस तुम अपनी याद रखना, दिल में तुम मुझे बसा लेना।

Kya krte hm

वो आये हमारी क़ब्र पर कुछ इस तरह, के देख कर आंखें मोड़ ली और बोले के, ये तुमने अच्छा नहीं किया!!!!

kaha tha sote hue mt chod k jaana

tere baad fir kya arzoo-a-tamanna rakkhu, tere baad tu bta kya tere siwa rakkhu, kon hai jis pr tasabbur ki nazar rakku, kon hai jis ki hr waqt fiqar rakkhu, jo hd se tagaffush rahe mohabbat me kr gaye, ye ilzaam bhi unhi k hi naam ayega, luta koi bhi ho saamne manzil k pahuch kr, bs tere hi sr pe ye ilzaam ayega, jo log banate hai mahel ret me aksar, ab unhi ki bajeh se ye tufaan ayege, jo charag diya tohfe me mene tujhe us din, wo charag sab-a-gham me tere kaam ayega, lfz-dr-lfz ek qitaab ho jaun, zkhm-dr-zkhm zulm-a-wfa ka hisaab ho jaun, behayaee se ghutne lage dum haya ka jb, me us din tere chahre pr ed naqaab ho jaun, zra bhujhne de ye charag tu fir chale jana, kha tha na sotey hua mt chhod kr jana.... kha tha na sotey hua mt chhod kr jana....

2 lines poetry...

कुछ इस क़दर बिखर गया हूँ मैं उसकी बेवफाई से, कोई अगर छू भी ले तो कांप सा जाता हूँ मैं.... हम तो फना हो गए उनका हुस्न देख के ऐ ग़ालिब, ना जाने वो आईना कैसे देखते होंगे?? मत पूछ के क्या हाल है मेरा तेरे पीछे, तू देख क्या रंग है तेरा मेरे आगे??          - मिर्ज़ा ग़ालिब हज़ारों ख्वाहिशें ऐसी के हर ख़ाहिश पे दम निकले, बहुत निकले मेरे अरमान लेकिन फिर भी कम निकले.....           - मिर्ज़ा ग़ालिब

A Tribute To The Legand (Mirza Ghalib)

ना कुछ था तो खुदा था, कुछ ना होता तो खुदा होता डुबाया मुझको होने ने, ना होता मैं तो क्या होता?? हुआ जब गम से यूँ बेहिस्स तो ग़म क्या सर के काटने का ना होता गर जुड़ा तन से तो जनू पर धरा होता। है मुद्दत के ग़ालिब मर गया लेकिन याद आता है, हर एक बात पर कहना के यूँ होता तो क्या होता....        

The last summer and the move...

The last summers of his in the town, Made him broke all his heart down. Taking the memories back from the city of hope The plan was to move with same spirit on. Moving on was never an easy task As the inspirational source was left back far. Keeping that in the heart he finally decided to move apart.I The suggestions, the advises, all in the cards were on. All was good but the acceptance of reality was never his mood The mind said something else, but the heart said always  his plan. The plan was the same as above, to move and to move ahead and to never be back to the place of thorn. The place where the enmity was grown like plant being watered in the ground. The ground that was his favorite in his native place, Where the memories were established with the bond of  strong friendship. Where the pages of friendship were written by an unknown author of his period. Mentioned wrong, it was the history being re-written. Whatever might have been the excuse or reason, ...

Respect Women

"The good God made her to resolve the enmity, Didn't know that one day his creation would get trapped in the world of cruelty. Unaware was he that the world (his own creation) would do this Would do all the wrong in world to prove his might. The war is on and still on, To prove her wrong on the battleground. Knowingly that she's the one who brought him to the world, He still manages to fight her solidarity to prove his worth. Well, she kept you in the womb of hers, And this is what you gifted in return to her. No dear men, that's not her worth I hope you could realize what pain she has born to bring you down to the beautiful planet earth. What she need is only respect, and you will notice her putting the best to make you healthy, wealthy and prosperous in all respect(s)." Remember, "if your house is made up of glass you won't dare throw a stone on others house built with the same material".                       -Pus...

The Baby Boy

"The baby boy lost his toy in the depth of river, Efforts to find the lost toy were all shattered. Broken down by the lost toy, the boy looked for an alternate. Keeping the search on, he landed in a beautiful Archie's shop Gazing at the souvenirs, he thought what could heal his heart?? He asked the shopkeeper to show some stuff But whatever he showed, the boy said it's all bluff. This unsuccessful effort made him unhappy And he left the shop with all eyes teary. Just to keep the memories alive he started writing the books Trying to stay busy till the time he heard from her The wait was on but never did she reply Looked as if she forgot that there was a waiting baby boy, waiting baby boy, waiting baby boy...."        - Pushkin Channan

Dear Sister

To The Dear Sister, Date-11th April, 2016 I am not using your name because I want to do what I can to protect your privacy. I love you. I always have and always will. Nothing you or anyone else does can ever change that. Nothing would make me happier than having you decide to get back in touch. No apologies or explanation are ever necessary. There are no conditions. Just give me a call or write me a letter and say hi. The door is always open. It would be nice if you would even just let me send you letters. I'd be happy to promise not to discuss the accusations if that is your wish. You are a wonderful person. You have brought great happiness to my life and to the lives of everyone else you have touched. You have so many beautiful qualities. I still remember the days when we used to fight and used to have quarrels on small little things. The late night conversation, the motherly care and your suggestions like Dad are always missed by me. We don't meet that often these ...

'Dear Friend - Be My Shadow'

The Days have passed by and we haven't spoken I am afraid, what if you don't have the time and we could not share our emotions. The time will surely not wait, For the blowing winds will change their every way Do not be like that haze, which is there forever like a selfish blaze. Just be like the shadow which does not leave you when you are in the middle of the meadow. The seasons may come and go but oh my friend we won't be like touch and go. We will be the one to celebrate the victory of course, And half the sorrows so that none of us have to bear them alone anymore. Oh my friend just be like what you are today!! Because you are meant for the present - day......             -Pushkin Channan 

The Conversation.....

ज़ाहिद शराब पीने दे मस्जिद में बैठ कर, या वो जगह बता दे जहाँ पर खुदा ना हो।             मिर्ज़ा ग़ालिब मस्जिद खुदा का घर है, पीने की जगह नहीं, काफिर के दिल में जा वहां खुदा नहीं।            अल्लामा इक़बाल काफिर के दिल से आया हूँ मैं ये देख कर, खुदा मौजूद है वहां मगर उससे पता नहीं।            अहमद फ़राज़ शबाब भरी महफ़िल में मुझे शराब पीने दे, ऐ ग़ालिब!! जगह चाहे जो भी हो, ये मौके हर रोज़ नहीं आया करते।            पुश्किन चन्नन

Best Friends

Two years back it was the same season, and the same place, the month of April. I remember how we strengthen the roots and of our friendship during that course of time. The time has passed by so quickly and it looks as if it happened just few months back. Nostalgic!! Well I am talking about the practice days of our Annual Day @The Oberoi Gurgaon in 2014, that made us life long friends. The practices, the rehearsals and the time we were together, are even today cherished by me. #Memories. It happened today that I decided to pass by that place to have a glimpse of the final rehearsal, before the live action. Couldn't get the feel. I could smell something missing. The spark that we had with regards to our respective performances was missing today. Well special thanks to the destiny that we are friends today, in fact, the best friends today. I know its not easy to keep up with the expectations but.... I miss your endless talking and never getting bore nature. The time flies and we j...

You can still have FAITH

“It’s been little too late now for me to understand that the things I have been doing was affecting you. So now as a result, may be, the conversations between us won’t be that same again, may be you won’t come and have a cup of coffee with me. But I assure you of not betraying you and that you could still bank on me for things that matter you the most.”

Quotes by Pushkin Channan

“Once again today, I dreamed of that person and even in the dreams she uttered - “I hate you, not really though”. And I got to know the how much I am loved”!! “Looks like it’s been ages that we have spoken, you are away hence I could not share my emotions”. “Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years; ages from now, may be one day, either of us won’t be there to appreciate each others effort”. The thing is that when you are away, you don’t talk because you are busy, but just ask yourself that do you actually know the meaning of getting busy?? Just ask your Mom!! “The world says that time will change and so the people will, I just want you to be what you are today and not be materialistic!!" “Dad once said, “the day you step into my shoes, we both will share the relation of friend. Now I’m really experiencing the same”. “Today I talked to my brother, just got the feeling that he’s still the same kid, no matter how old he grows”!! “..don’t know how ...

No More Strangers

"Over the period of time, I have realized to appreciate what comes to me and never regret for what is not meant for me. But I do become selfish when it comes to you. I just cannot accept the fact that we will part again. Because we won’t be strangers again!!!" - Pushkin Channan

Empty Hands ghalib

हर चीज़ तुम्हारी लौटा दी है, कुछ ना लेकर हम साथ चले। फिर दोष ना देना जग वालों, हम देख लो खाली हाथ चले।

Urdu Shayari

"Sookhe hoontoon se hi  hothi hain meethi baatein. Pyaas jub bhooj jathi hai, tho lehje badaal jahthe hain".  Apne hi hote hain  jo dil pe vaar karte hain   Gairoon ko kya khabaar  ke dil kis baat se dukhta hai.

Because we are the best friends...

Over the period of time, I have learned to appreciate what comes to me and never regret for what is not meant for me. But I do become selfish when it comes to you. I just cannot accept the fact of we will part again. Because we won't be strangers again!!!

Just Friends, no, Best Friends

“I know that I don't own you, And perhaps never will, So my anger when you are with her, I have no right to feel. I know that you don't owe me, And shouldn't ask for any more; I shouldn't feel so let down, All the time when you don't call. When I feel, I shouldn't show you, So when you are around I won't; I know I have no right to feel it, But it doesn't mean I don't”.            -Lang Leav

The Reality

“Once again today, I dreamed of that person and even in the dreams she uttered - “I hate you, not literally though”. And then I realized how much I am loved”!!

You know what???

“I always pick-up my phone to see if there's any message by YOU , but then I'm made to realize that distance do make difference. Just imagine years from now, when we will be old, sitting world apart or may be in each others heart; will the flower of our friendship still blossom?? I pray that it does!!    Pushkin Channan


Vivre sans aimer n’est pas proprement vivre.       (To live without loving is to not really live). L’amour est la poésie des sens . (Love is the poetry of the senses) La vie est une fleur dont l’amour est le miel . (Life is a flower of which love is the honey)

If I could explain better than this??

बहुत ही अच्छी और बेहतरीन लड़की थी वो, जौसे आप सब की दोस्त होती हैं वैसी नहीं थी वो कुछ हटके थी वो, एक बेहतरीन दोस्त थी वो गलतियां मेरी हज़ारों माफ़ करती थी वो लेकिन कुछ एक रोज़ ऐसा गुनाह हुआ के बख्श देने के काबिल नहीं थी वो आज, कुछ मेरी ऐसी ही गलति के चलते मुझसे दूर हो गई वो, सॉरी भी नहीं बोल सकता मैं अब तुझको, सही बोलते थे घर वाले, रिश्ते निभाने आसान नहीं होते। अच्छा ही किया के किनारा कर लिया हमसे समय रहते दूर कर दिया अपने से पता नहीं अगर ये नज़दीकियां बढ़ जाती,तो तेरे चले जाने के बाद क्या होता मैं सच में नामाकूल हूँ, ज़िन्दगी का तजुर्बा नहीं था मुझे कीमत इसकी एक दोस्त कुर्बान कर के चुकानी पड़ी मुझे। 

Oops you fallen sick....

आज फिर एक बार लगा के खफा से हैं वो, अंदाज़ में अपने बदले बदले से थे वो कौन कहा था जाने को उन बर्फीले पहाड़ में ?? अब गए हैं तो खामियाजा भी भुगतिए, वैद को ज़रा आप दिखा लीजिए !!!!

The Reason....

"I'm not the perfect person, there are many things I wish I didn't do. But I continue learning. I never meant to do those things to you. And so I have to say before I go That I just want you to know I've found a reason for me To change who I used to be A reason to start over new And the reason is you".                      Hoobastank, The reason

Kyon pareshaaan hai tu??

ऐ दोस्त क्या हुआ है तुझे, क्यों परेशान है तू अब ऐसी भी क्या राजा के हमें ना बता सके तू यूँ तो बहुत दोस्ती के वायदे किये थे पर पिछले कुछ दिनों में कहीं खो सा गया है तू तबियत तेरी खराब है, और जान मेरी भी निकलती है सच बयान करूं तो जी तरस गया है तेरी आवाज़ सुनने के लिए तेरी कुछ खट्टी कुछ मीठी बातें सुनने के लिए ऐ दोस्त, काश के उपर वाले ने हमें अपना सेक्रेटरी बना लिया होता तो आज ऐसे दिन देखने की तुम्हें मैं नौबत ना आने देता रो लेता हूँ मैं भी कभी कभी किसी कोने में बैठ के याद जब तेरी आती काबू से बहार हो जाती है यूँ तो मैं तुझे हर पल याद करता हूँ पर कभी कभी मानो जैसे डर सा जाता हूँ पता नहीं ये साथ कब तक गवारा रहेगा वायदा कर के चला गया मैं तो तू मुझे भुला तो नहीं देगा


हैरान हूँ तुम्हें आज मैं यहाँ देख के, ऐसा भी क्या के अरसे के बाद हम याद आ गए। मेहरबान होकर फिर चाहे बुला लो मुझ को तुम, क्योंकि मैं वो पानी की लहर नहीं जो कहीं खो जाऊँ.... ख़याल रखना ऐ दोस्त अपना, जब भी कभी ज़रुरत हो तो बे हिचक बुला लेना मत करना कभी तुम कोई गिला, ना हो बात तो कोई गम नहीं, बस अपनी यादों में हमें याद रखना...

Teri laadki main....

Babul moree.. babul moree.. Itni si arraj mori sun le Teri laadki main Rahoongi teri laadli main Kitni bhi door tose main chahe rahoon Zara aanch bhi jo Kabhi mujh pe ki aati thi mohe Bhar jaati thi ankhiyan teri jaane hai tu Phir aisa bhi kya tera mujhse bair.. Aisa bhi kya tera mujhse bair Kar parayi woh hai mukh liya kyun pher Pass hi apne rakh le kuchh der Udd jaayega paakhi hote hi saver


In the end what we leave behind are the memories that will be remembered by the world. Years from now, the only thing that will be missing would be the ones who created that memory. May be they would be world apart, or may be left the world for someone else to come in place. But remember my best friend, you will miss the days that created memories for you to cherish when I'm not there any more. Lying on my death bed one day, and counting my last breath, waiting for the yamraj to take me; my eyes would be searching for you when I would be surrounded by all. And I presume that you will come and will be happy, before i actually go to either the heaven or the hell. But deep inside I will be sad for the reason I would not be the part of this wonderful family that has nurtured me through the years. And the best friend who was blessed to me by the Almighty. Dear Bestie, i know that I have given you pain which you never even imagined of. So, sorry for that and sorry for every wrong deed...

Got the answer???

People around ask me that from where do I generate too much of power to write, time to put in and the source of inspiration for my poems Nd posts.... Well whatever I do comes from within. Though the source of inspiration has to be there and it is the pain of my heart that is caused due to my bad behavior and gesture. My love experience....

Expressing my heart...

"I'm still a little bent, a little crooked but all things considered... I CAN'T COMPLAIN...." "I realized now that dying is easy, LIVING IS TOO HARD..." "I'm finding it hard to explain how I feel, the reason being it changes every second day...."

Love it.....

"That's the problem with being the strong one, no one offers you the hand...." "If it doesn't break your heart, it's not love.... If it doesn't break your heart it's not enough... " "Don't love love unless love loves you, if love loves you!!love the love in such a way that love doesn't love anyone else..."

No help for that...

There's a place in the heart that never will be filled A space And even during the best moments And the Greatest times We will know it… We will know it More than ever There's a place in the heart that never will be filled And We will wait and wait In that space...

Awesome Quotes

I wasn't actually in love, but I felt a sort of tender curiosity... Lately... I have been loosing sleep dreaming about the things that we could be... hurts to say, but I want you to stay sometimes

Some great quotes

It's funny how Artistic we become when our hearts are broken... A library is a hospital for the mind... I am going to live a good and long life filled with great and terrible moments that I cannot even imagine...


"I will miss you when something really good happens, because you are the one I want to share with. I will miss you when something troubles me, because you are the one who understand me so well. I will miss you when I laugh and cry because I will remember you were the one who made my laughter grow and my tears disappear. I will miss you all the time, but I will miss you when I stay awake at the night and think of all the wonderful times we spent with each other; for those were some of the best times of my life...." #BestFriends4Ever. Take care and best of luck for rest of your life... :( :( Hope that we will catch up for another coffee, another evening, another fine day @......

Great thoughts..

"The sun stopped shining for me is all. The whole story is: I am sad. I am sad all the time and the sadness is so heavy that I can’t get away from it. Not ever. " "Ask no question and you will get no lie".... "Paradoxically, the ability to be alone is the condition for the ability to love". "Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding. The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another world. It requires profound purpose larger than the self kind of understanding"

When I lost my best friend...

बहुत ही अच्छी और बेहतरीन लड़की थी वो, जैसे आप सब की दोस्त होती हैं वैसी नहीं थी वो कुछ हटके थी वो, एक बेहतरीन दोस्त थी वो गलतियां मेरी हज़ारों माफ़ करती थी वो लेकिन कुछ एक रोज़ ऐसा गुनाह हुआ के बख्श देने के काबिल नहीं था वो आज, कुछ मेरी ऐसी ही गलति के चलते मुझसे दूर हो गई वो, सॉरी भी नहीं बोल सकता मैं अब उसको सही बोलते थे घर वाले, रिश्ते निभाने आसान नहीं होते। अच्छा ही किया के किनारा कर लिया हमसे समय रहते दूर कर दिया अपने से पता नहीं अगर ये नज़दीकियां बढ़ जाती,तो तेरे चले जाने के बाद क्या होता मैं सच में नामाकूल हूँ, ज़िन्दगी का तजुर्बा नहीं था मुझे कीमत इसकी एक दोस्त कुर्बान कर के चुकानी पड़ी मुझे।

Sorry re....

आज फिर एक बार मैं उसी जगह आया, लेकिन इस बार अकेले आया। ऐ दोस्त माफ़ कर देना आज की गिला को, मालूम नहीं था के हम कुछ कुछ ज़्यादा ही तेज़ चल रहे थे। अश्क आज ऐसे बहे आँखों से जैसे मानो के सदियों से निकलने की आस में बैठे थे ये... यूँ तो मैं माफ़ी के भी लायक नहीं, लेकिन फिर भी - माफ़ कर दियो ऐ दोस्त मुझे, मेरे इस नादान पन से तुझे ना जाने कितने दुःख झेलने पड़े....

LOve Life....

Every once on a while, you just got to stop worrying, stop thinking, and just let go. Have some fun in your life. Trust me it will be worth it.

Time will come....

It looks like I am in love with my new passion. #Blogging. It is just amazing!! Love it. It is never too late to start something new. Just waiting for the good time. Time flies, so will the bad time. Nothing is permanent.

My School Life

Taking a flashback of school life. I today realized that I'm now a grown up person who earns for his livelihood. The time has passed, those golden days of school life are never going to come back. I remember when I got admission to 4th standard in the year 2001. I cannot recollect all but yes just a glimpse. It were the early days of March and a new chapter of my life was about to start. Though I was a day scholar, so maximum things were not new for me. I knew the teachers and they knew me. I remember skipping my first semester exams to attend my maternal uncle's marriage. Haha :) That was great experience. But then started the real test. I was like Ihsaan Awasthi of modern day's Taare Zameen Par of my class. I used to give in my 100℅ but the the result used to be just the opposite. Many a times being scolded by teachers in class, my Dad fearing about my future. This continued till 6th standard where we were the senior most and yes, I remember getting appreciation from my...

Love unconditionally....

We should not take little things in life in life for granted, because.. someone..., somewhere... is taking their last breath, last walk, last dinner with their family, last glance to the place where special memories live....

That's me

I decided to describe my destiny but then left the page empty as that was the best possible way to show. It looked like as if I had no words and my ink was over or the pages got over before I even started writing. So that is me for now!! What about you all??                                                    Pushkin Channan